How Do I Cancel My FixMeStick Subscription/Membership


Steps To Follow To Cancel FixMeStick Subscription/Membership

Canceling your FixMeStick subscription/membership is super simple. All you have to do is pick up your phone and dial our toll-free helpline number. This will get you connected with one of our support agents who will guide you through the whole process that needs to be carried out, in order to cancel your membership/subscription. However, we have briefly mentioned below the steps involved in the procedure. Please give it a read.

Step 1 – Take your phone and dial the FixMeStick helpline number.

Step 2 – A representative will be aligned. Explain your concern, telling him/her that you wish to cancel the membership.

Step 3 – You will be asked to provide a set of information so that the representative can locate/find your account. Provide him/her with the necessary information.

Step 4 – In the end, demand a receipt, email, or confirmation number to collect info about your cancellation.

Just by following the above-mentioned steps, you will have your FixMeStick membership/subscription canceled. The whole process hardly involves a few minutes and you will be able to save a lot of your precious time. In case of any query or doubt, the representative will always be there at your assistance. All customer support channels offered by FixMeStick can be contacted 24 x 7 for 365 days of the year. So, feel free and call them right away!

Make Your Computers Faster, Safer & Better!

FixMeStick is a revolutionary product that removes viruses in the most competent way. It was ideated and developed by FixMeStick technologies, back in the year 2011. The product received worldwide acceptance and was immediately sold throughout Europe and North America after its launch. Many times the computer systems face problems when anti-virus software is installed. It disables certain operations of the system. Whereas on the other hand, FixMeStick is a device that bypasses this issue and boots your computer, and fixes malware issues in the best possible manner. FixMeStick is available for all types of operating systems. Be it Windows or Mac OS, FixMeStick can be used on both computers. If you wish to purchase the device, the following is the information regarding the prices.

  1. Home version– $59.99 per year.

The home version can only be used on up to 3 machines.

  1. Professional version– $299.99 per year.

The professional version can be used on an unlimited number of machines.

You get to enjoy free shipping on both versions. If you want to take a 30-day trial, then that version is available to you at a minimum cost of $9.99. You can check popular retail websites like Amazon to check out for more discounts. Or you can contact their customer service team by giving a call on their toll-free helpline number.

Enter Safe Mode & Remove Viruses!

Designed to remove viruses and malware, FixMeStick is a product that sustains bootable USB drives. It never interrupts your ongoing tasks and performs its duties while your system is rebooting. The performance and quality of this device are highly recognized all across the globe. Its users highly recommend it for a virus-free computing experience. Ever since this device was introduced in the market, FixMeStick became an industry leader in providing computer security. Affordable and smart, this device is a must-have for all computer owners. Primarily because everything is online today and you need to protect your data from fraudsters and cyberspace deceivers.

Viruses heavily slow down the operations of a computer and make the overall experience of the user lose its essence. It is of utmost importance to keep your systems free from getting affected by harmful and destructive viruses. Common types of viruses such as resident virus, multipartite virus, overwrite virus etc. can pose a severe threat to the functioning of computers. Hence, the FireMeStick device is highly recommended.

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