How to connect Chromecast to Wi-Fi!


What is Chromecast and how it is related to technology? A Google Chromecast which have unique features and avail the best streaming using HDMI port. Is it possible to connect to Wi-Fi? There are many questions related to Chromecast have a look below to identify your doubt. There are simple steps how you can connect Chromecast to Wi-Fi.

What is Chromecast?

A Google Chromecast is a useful streaming device. The device is wireless and gets connected to your phone, computer tablets. The only need is HD quality monitors or a TV screen. With the help of an HDMI port, it gets connected to an HD quality monitor or TV screen.

Talking about the recent scenario Google is allowing excelling third-generation Chromecast. The resolution of ultra third-generation Chromecast is 4000 resolution. It has a faster processor. Chromecast does not require any type of additional fees for subscriptions. On the other side if you are using Netflix you have to subscribe to the premium packages. The Chromecast connects to a Wi-Fi device in mobile.

How to set Google Chromecast?

Follow the certain steps if you want to set up Google Chromecast on your device.

  • The very first step is to connect Chromecast to the power device. Now you have to put an HDMI port on the TV which you are using.
  • Switch on the TV and have a proper look at an HDMI channel. HDMI channels will vary as HDMI 1, HDMI 2, HDMI 3, etc.
  • With the help of your mobile, you can download the Google Home app and set Chrome cast. Bluetooth should be enabled on your mobile device always before using this feature.
  • You will notice some on-screen criteria which you need to follow.

Now you are on the way to use Chromecast. For any type of query, you can contact the Chromecast customer service number which is available online.

How to use Chromecast on phone and computer?

If you want to use the Chromecast on any other phone or tablet. Follow the simple steps given below.

  • You need to launch streaming services like Netflix, YouTube, Hulu, etc on your device.
  • As soon as the show begins you need to tap the casting icon on the left corner.

If you’re using a computer you need to follow the given steps.

  • The first step is to launch Google Chrome. Upperside corner you have to click on the cast button.
  • Various types of Chromecast devices will be available in your locality. Now you have to select any one of them.
  • After selecting you can avail all the services with a simple Wi-Fi connection and an HDMI port.

Steps to connect Chromecast to Wi-Fi

To connect to Chromecast to Wi-Fi you need to follow certain steps. The steps are given below.

  • The first and foremost step is to put the Chromecast and TV. Be alert that all the cables are being connected properly.
  • You need to identify whether all the Chromecast mobile devices are connected with the same Wi-Fi network or not.
  • Now you need to download the Google Home app on your mobile device.
  • Follow the prompts by opening the app.
  • Suppose prompt is not available in your app then it is impossible to connect your device manually.

You need to contact the Chromecast customer service number immediately.

How to change the Wi-Fi network?

For streaming devices in Chrome cast, you can use a Wi-Fi network to connect the device. Suppose you need to reset your device then you need to follow several ways. Have a look below.

  • You have to turn on the TV and plug in the Chromecast. The Chromecast is turned on or of depends upon the light which you will get from the device.
  • In the Google Home app, you can find the Google Play store, apple app store which is free of cost.
  • You need to select Chromecast on your device. You have to provide a name that you have provided earlier during the setup process.
  • Click on the gear icon on the right corner of the screen. Next, you have to select Wi-Fi.
  • If you have forgotten the network you have to change the device setting again.

A simple step that will make you realize that whether you are connected to Chromecast. Whenever you are connected to a Wi-Fi network it means that the Chromecast device is being connected automatically. You can go through the manual reset process of Chromecast if you have forgotten the Wi-Fi network.

Bottom line

Till now you are aware of how to connect Chromecast. How Chromecast connects to Wi-Fi network. And why Chromecast is a part of technology. Chromecast is a device that is free of cost and will give you various features. So avail it as soon as possible. Follow all the steps given above and you can contact customer care online. The best unique feature allowing watching your favorite show or movie on a big screen.

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